Initial values

This responder acts when a new issue is opened. It checks for the presence of placeholders in the body of the issue for all the configured values.

Listens to

New issue opened event.

Settings key



The values parameter is mandatory.


An array of values. Optionally each value can be individually customized.

For each value listed under values this options can be provided:


Optional. If the value placeholder is missing when adding the value it will include this text as heading instead of just the value name. Default value is the value name capitalized bold.


Optional Value to add inside the HTML comments. Default value is empty string.


Optional Strategy when value placeholders are not defined in the body of the issue. Valid options: append (will add the value at the end of the issue body), prepend (will add the value at the beginning of the issue body). Default value is prepend


Optional If set to true if the placeholder for this value is not present or present but empty a new comment will be replied to the issue warning of the missing value. Default is false.


Simplest use case:

Verify presence of <!--version--><!--end-version--> and <!--target-repository--><!--end-target-repository--> in the body of the issue:

        - version
        - target-repository

Multiple values with custom properties:

        - version:
          - value: "vX.X.X"
          - action: append
        - author1:
          - heading: "Author Github handle:"
          - warn_if_empty: true
        - target-repository
        - archive
        - package-name:
          - warn_if_empty: true

In action

Using the Multiple values with custom properties example config:

  • Initial state:


Actual text in the initial body of the issue:


  • Final state:


Actual text in the final body of the issue:



  • version has been appended at the end of the body with a value of vX.X.X

  • author1 has been added with the custom heading

  • target-repository was already present, so nothing has been done with it

  • archive was already present, so nothing has been done with it

  • package-name was not present so it has been prepended.

  • New comment was created with a warning of missing values for package-name and author1