GitHub Action

This buffy responder dispatches an event to trigger a GitHub Action workflow in a repository, where the workflow is defined by a .github/workflows/*.yaml file. If desired, upon a successful event dispatch to trigger the workflow (not the outcome of the workflow run), a reply message can be posted as a comment in the (corresponding review) issue. Allows labeling.

Listens to

@botname <command>

For example, if you configure the command to be compile pdf, it will respond to:

@botname compile pdf


Some parameters are required for the responder to work: the command to invoke it, and the workflow_repo and workflow_name values to identify the action to run. All can be set using the respective settings YAML file (e.g., buffy/config/settings-<environment>.yml).

Settings key




Required. The command this responder will listen to.


The description of the action this command runs. It will show in the help command if the responder is not hidden.


Optional String to show as an example of the command being used when the help command is invoked.


Required. The repo to run the action on, in org/name format.


Required. Name of the workflow to run.


Optional. The git ref for the GitHub action to use. Defaults to main.


An optional message to reply with once the workflow is triggered.


<Map> An optional list of params/values to pass as inputs to the GitHub Action.


<Array> An optional list of fields from the body of the issue to pass as inputs to the GitHub Action.


<Map> An optional mapping of variable names to add to the inputs.

You can use this action to run other responder(s) after after the GitHub action is triggered:


Allows to call a different responder. Subparams are:


Required. The key to find the responder in the config file.


Optional. The name of the responder in the config file if there are several instances under the same responder key.


Optional. The message to trigger the responder with.

If you want to run multiple responders, use an array of these subparams.


A complete example:

The following snippet sets up buffy to react to a @editorialbot generate pdf command issued during a joss review:

    - draft_paper:
        command: generate pdf
        workflow_repo: openjournals/joss-papers
        workflow_name: draft-paper.yml
        workflow_ref: master
        description: Generates the pdf paper
          - branch
          - target-repository
          - issue_id
          repository_url: target-repository

Once invoked, this github_action responder triggers the draft-paper workflow on the openjournals/joss-papers repository (see the actions tab).

The data_from_issue field lists the values of branch, target-repository, and issue-id (which buffy fetches from a review issue body) that serve as input arguments for this action. The optional mapping field indicates that the value target-repository is mapped to the repository_url variable.

For additional use cases, please refer to the complete settings-production.yml file located under the joss branch of buffy.